Why Postpone Release TERA Online
I'll answer some of the fears that worry, as our loyal players, as well as solutions, is working on our team. Because of the enormous number of proposals we received, we will not discuss now, everything, but I promise that later we will address them as well. Follow the news.
We hope that we can fix the problems you mentioned.
B. At the present time, we can distinguish race solely on appearance. Will added something more races?
A. We will add new features races will not affect the military balance, but also helps to individualize the characters of different races.
B. The number of skill rather small, there is no fan of the choice of skill, depending on the situation. You will provide new skills?
A. Yes, we are constantly adding new skills, but we are not able to demonstrate skills in all scheduled ZBT3. But with limited skills a player can not fully taste the delights of the combat system. We plan to add new skills that you will receive with the development of your character, and which will provide more freedom in choosing the skill depending on the AI monster.
In addition, we consider the possibility of developing a powerful new skill that will help considerably solo players, but it does not affect the party game balance. And also plan to introduce some attack skills with an emphasis on PvP at higher levels in the game.
B. Quite difficult differintsirovat characters of one class, lvl, abilities and stats. How players can create their charov unique characteristics?
A. We are working on a system that will help you improve skills, which you think is best suited to your style of play. With this system, players will be able, depending on your preferences and style of play better time rollback skill, the consumption of MP, attack power, attack reynzh etc. The system will use points, which you can freely rasspredelyat and drop. It will be possible to change the set of characteristics for specific tactical objectives.
B. After using some skill there is a slight delay, during which you can not do anything, and it breaks gameplay. Do you plan to fix this problem?
A. Yes, we are constantly improving the gameplay, to ensure a better perception of the battlefield. We continually identify problem items, and change them.
B. The game is too similar, repeatable quests that tiring and frustrating players. How are you going to improve the quests?
A. We will add more types of quests, as well as improve our basic quests that players can enjoy the game through exciting in-game history. We also removed some quests that players have found boring, and instead develop new ones. In addition, there will be changes in the distribution system loot in a group in such quests as the "Heart Basilica? (?Basilisk's Heart?), to satisfy the complaints of many testers ZBT3.
B. All the monsters are quite similar, the transition from one zone to another, changing hunting is actually only appearance. Over time it becomes boring. Are there plans to improve in the future?
A. We are planning a complete upgrade of hunting zones, including the continent of Aaron, which players have already visited. Moreover, the changes will address not only the variety of monsters, their location, routes, topography and buildings, but the quests and quest lines (solo or party). In assessing the updated area we will take into account all these factors.
B. In some areas a solo game too difficult. Please reconsider this.
O. TERA was designed so that at higher levels, you are increasingly required to collect the parties. However, to people who prefer to play solo, no problems, we plan to add a zone hunting specifically for solo play. In addition, we plan to integrate the existing system of selecting party in the system menu and improve its function, to the formation of Pati and invite other players became much easier.
B. It is unlikely that you may have noticed some differences in ability and style of fighting monsters with different major quests. So planned?
O. AI monsters of the major quests and boss monsters in the dungeons not yet been fully implemented. As the hunt for these monsters is an important part of team play in the TERA, we will use the system with more advanced AI, to provide a more intense emotions of victory. Do these mobs will be more capacity, and we plan to facilitate the identification of their manner of warfare to ensure the tactical component of the party games.
Q. When I travel, you will automatically enter into combat mode, if the mob notices you. It is inconvenient, because you start to go slower, and buffs that increase speed, disappear.
A. It seems that this problem has caused some discontent among testers. We plan to make changes so that players were not in combat mode, until they do not strike, or until they fall on them. In addition, the buffs that increase the speed, will not disappear when activated fight.
B. Sometimes, while you do the quest, you can kill the player passing by when you are reborn, you immediately kill again, and this is very frustrating. Will changed the rules for PK.
The news was learned from the lips of the Director of Development TERA Online me personally
Let nothing else influence you, but the truth. All good things to those, that persist. No better chance of contentment, than in the way that we talk to ourselves.
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