Computer Games and Hollywood Movies
It is amazing how much computer games influence our society. It's often said that art mimics life. This is true in many regards, but sometimes life mimics art. Consider many of the science fiction type movies that have a common theme, and a common foundation of the computer game phenomena. Computer games have obviously only been around since such electronic devices have been available. It's still a rather new industry, and just think, 30 years ago people didn't have personal computers, therefore they didn't play games on those computers. See my point?
The other day, I went to see the movie "Battleship" and the movie had some great special effects, and some of the futuristic technology war game computational radar screens, which looked very much like the electronic version of the family game "Battleship" and so you see computer games in Hollywood movies also have quite a bit in common along the lines of their foundation. Screenplay writers often weave into their storyline such gaming technologies, albeit taken to the next level. It is my contention that we should expect this trend to continue are off into the future, if not motivate humans to create that future.
Some say that computer games are a conspiracy theory to get young kids interested in fighting wars electronically, controlling mechanical weapons and combat equipment far away. It stands to reason that in the future these skills will be needed, and those kids that played video games all of their lives will most likely be the ones at the controls of our future fighter planes, stealth bombers, and unmanned ground vehicles. Today your kids might be playing the video game, tomorrow they might be working for the Department of Defense defending this great nation.
Without getting into the heart of that debate over the morality of such issues, you can see that the Hollywood script writers do indeed believe that this will be our potential eventuality in the future, and they are duly writing those scenarios into the movies we are watching today. We all know that the science fiction of today will become the science fact of tomorrow. Perhaps a lot of that is occurring in the entertainment world, as it is being introduced to our society and civilization in this way.
Now then, I would like you to stop and think for a moment how many Hollywood movies that you've seen in the last few years that have a computer gaming theme. I think when you do that, you will see exactly what I'm talking about. In fact, if you want to help jog your memory, go onto Google or Yahoo and search "Hollywood science fiction movies with computer games," and you'll be surprised how many movies pop up, and when you watch some of those trailers you will see just what I'm talking about. Please consider all this and think on it.
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